2018-04-18 - The Sun - Close Up Prominence Time Lapse
This is my first attempt at a time lapse of solar activity. The clip is of one and a half hours real time, condensed into four seconds. It consists of 122 frames. Each frame is a stack of 25% of 500 frames captured. The interval between captures is approximately 30 seconds. I added a still of the solar disk in the foreground. Solar activity time lapse is definitely something that I will be pursuing in the future, aiming to create a longer clip. The detail of movement of plasma in the prominences is amazing and has far surpassed my expectations of what I could achieve with a small telescope in my back garden.
Lunt LS50THa
Televue Powermate 2.5x
Point Grey Chameleon3 USB3
Skywatcher Star Adventurer
122 x 25% of 500 frames captured